Apr 9, 2010

What? Obama said Veterans Should Get Their Own Insurance for War Injuries! The Truth!

It would seem that one of the fastest moving e-mailed mistruths circulating the eternet, quotes President Obama telling Vets to get their own health insurance for combat injuries.  This is not true!  Here is my response to this e-mailed lie!

I would agree that if President Obama HAD uttered these words, it would be disgraceful, but IF anyone HAD checked Snopes.com, they would have read:

“President Obama did NOT utter the words attributed to him above; the quoted example is a bit of fictional dialogue excerpted from a satirical piece by CONSERVATIVE humorist John Semmens.”

Here’s my question, what type of people attribute a quote to the President knowing that it was lifted from a satire written by a “conservative” humorist?

To make matters worst, they start the e-mailed message, in the first paragraph, by telling the reader that it was already checked out on Snopes.com, knowing, full-well, that most of the Obama-haters will meekly accept the statement thereby assuaging them of any guilt in passing on a lie.  The truth is that this increasingly common practice of telling people that a rumor has been already checked out at snopes.com, does not give the "forwarders" of rumors, a free-pass.  They want accountability, then they should be held accountable.

If you consider yourself a Christian, Jew or Muslim, let me remind you that since we consider the Ten Commandments as necessary in a moral society, we should try to obey them, less we be seen as hypocrites, to wit, “You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor”.

If you want to make a political point, I think truth is a great starting point.

To all of those who consider themselves moral agents, passing on this lie with your name on it, is hypocritical, dishonest, disgraceful and despicable.

And people wonder why people don't listen to them…once a liar, always a liar.

Like Jesus said in Luke 16:10, “If a person is dishonest in little things, then he will be dishonest in big things too.”

To those who passed this on, thanks for proclaiming, publically, that you’re “dishonest” and not to be trusted again.

Like Jesus said, “Woe unto you hypocrites!”


  1. How wonderfully refreshing to get the facts! Keep up the good and needed work!

  2. This is great, let us know when you're running for public office, you've got my vote!
