May 1, 2010

Johns Hopkins "Cancer Update"...A Hoax!

There is a Johns Hopkins "Cancer Update" circulating the Web, that supposedly details how cancer spreads and provides methods to treat cancer.  It's a hoax!

Whenever I receive an e-mail without REAL links to reputable websites, I become suspicious. The John Hopkins “Cancer Update” e-mail suggesting better therapies, while attacking common protocols used today, is malicious in that it could influence people to make bad decisions that could be deadly.

The first, and easiest search, is, because they cite, reference and provide real links to the referenced websites in order to combat misinformation. provides a copy of the false information and declares whether the e-mail is false, true or mixed. This John Hopkins "Cancer Update" is considered FALSE ...please read!

More importantly, directs you to the Johns Hopkins Kimmel Cancer Center which, in an effort to rebut such e-mail, has given a rebuttal to all contentions embedded in this bogus e-mail.  Interestingly enough, there is quite a bit of misinformation on the Web suggesting that artificial sweetners are a cause for human cancer and  is contained in the bogus e-mail.  John Hopkins seems to disagree!

If you really want to know the latest information on cancer protocol currently accepted by reputable cancer centers, please read John Hopkins response to the above urban legend.

Join me in combating misinformation circulating the internet by researching information before forwarding, thereby providing light, rather than heat, in all public discourse.

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